Wednesday, May 25, 2016

20 Time Final Post

For my 20 time project, (See 20 Time Individual Reflection) I did a survey to measure people's awareness of certain risk factors for diabetes and heart disease. I particularly focused my survey on the South Asian population. My main product was the results/data and new information I collected after doing the survey. Below are the data in graphs of 2 sample questions out of the 30 total questions I asked. 

I asked people to rate their overall stress levels on a scale of 1-10. 

A question I asked about Triglycerides 

In order to share our findings during the process of the 20 time project, we gave a TED style talk to the class. Here is the video of my TED Talk:

The TED Talk was a really new and interesting experience for me. I had practiced beforehand and I felt that I gave a presentation that got across all the information that I wanted to share with the audience. However, my presentation was slightly overtime, and in general, while I was preparing for the talk, I found it to be a challenge to cut down all the information into 5 minutes. My public speaking skills and confidence to speak in public has definitely increased a lot through doing this TED talk. I can build on the 20 time project experience as well as the experience of transforming all the information into the most pieces to share with others. 

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