Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Unit 4 Reflection

This unit focuses on genetics and why individuals have the traits that they have. We started the unit by studying the cell cycle, the way that our body cells formed and the way that many asexually reproducing species reproduce. The cell cycle consists of interphase (the copying of DNA), mitosis (DNA and organelles split), and cytokinesis (the cell officially divides in two). This was one of my strengths; I was able to understand the different phases and the purpose of the cell cycle. We also learnt about asexual and sexual reproduction, and the pros and cons of both. Asexual reproduction yields tons of offspring and is possible without a mate, but there is no genetic variation and the species will not stand the test of time. Sexual reproduction has lots of genetic variation and creates competition for mates, but it requires time and energy and exposes you to parasites. I felt that this topic was fairly straightforward. Meiosis is the process in which gametes (sex cells) are formed. In humans, these are the sperm and egg cells. They are haploid, meaning that they have half the normal number of chromosomes. This is so that during recombination, the new zygote cell will be diploid. I felt strong on this topic. I feel that determining incomplete dominance from codominance as well as looking at dominant and recessive alleles in punnett squares is one of my strengths.

The Law of Segregation and the Law of Independent Assortment are definitely my weak areas. I think that if I try to draw meiosis from memory with the different alleles on each chromosome, I will be able to conceptualize the laws better. I understand the basic definitions, but don't know whether I'll be able to apply them to a specific scenario yet.

I definitely have a better understanding of genetics, punnett squares, and I feel like I am more knowledgeable about why individuals look and are the way they are. I have learnt a lot from doing the infographic; it helped me understand the concepts better when I did research and created my own graphics and diagrams. I would like to learn more about the common human genes that are more complicated than basic dominance and recessiveness. I am also interested in learning more about genetic disorders.

My VARK learning style is multimodal. My scores were visual 7, aural 6, speech/writing 5, kinesthetic 4.  Kinesthetic is my lowest, because I don't tend to learn from simulations as much. These are the scores I would have expected, because diagrams and charts tend to stick in my mind. I will focus on learning and understanding diagrams from the vodcasts and the textbook; during tests I often find myself trying to visualize those.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice reflection, Maya. With as good of a reflection as this, I would say you learn through writing and reflecting.
